Friday, February 17, 2006

To the Gym

The best thing that happened to me this week - joined the gym! After the induction which was basically15 mins wasted on how to operate the "sophisticated" controls of the treadmill, I did 20 mins on the cross-trainer and 5 mins on the cycle. The knee seems to take things nicely and did not have any after-reaction, god bless Dr. Sivakumar.
Challenged by a friend to have a flat stomach within 2 months - I agreed :) As they say if u reach for the sky, u may atleast get to the stars....The big picture is that I will be joining Raj and Mohan to go for the World Cup in June and you cant go to the WC and not kick a ball right? I would love to play again by then....hopefully the gods keep smiling at me
Also I recently bought my first phone(contract) in the UK, with the 3 network - Rumour is that its the worst around, maybe not after it has me on its books :) Back to the phone, its a Motorola V3x - the latest in the V3 series, reminds me of the Motorola flip phone which was a big hit in 98 during our first year in the U. I like the deal here, for 17.50/month(12 month contract) - I get the phone and the bluetooth device free plus 400 mins anytime and 100 sms free! Singapore contracts are really such a rip-off....well we never had much of a choice when all three supposed to be competing service providers offer deals rarely offer any deal this good!