Friday, December 28, 2007


Was sent a link to a Russell Peters show on Google, and he mentioned something that I just realized was very true, at least for me. When we say something in English, we carry teh accent of the place where we are, but when we speak in Tamil or our native language we sound very Indian. Its like Singapore, when I speak in English its Singapour and when I speak in tamil its singapoor.. think about it...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Leadership is not about domination

Who should acknowledge your leadership skills? Your own team or the the outsider? So, spinning that a bit, who is a better leader, one who dominates and rules by fear or one rules by example and gets everyone to follow willingly? I am not going to argue the fact that we have many an example for great successes using the former approach, but again they belong to a time where people were classed and the public accepted tagging the line as long as they had a roof to live under and food to eat. We dont belong to such an era anymore, the individual (and egos) demands personal attention for everything these days. These are times where men and women pay another person £20 an hour for standing besides them while they are doing 20 mins over the treadmill, 20 mins over the cross-trainer and the rest doing sit-ups and push-ups. Not that I am very prudent with my money, but even by my poor standards this is plain stupid.

Getting back to the main topic, while at a meeting recently. One of our partners, a major force with the IT Sector was fronting a bid for a govt project. At teh open house, the leader (We shall not reveal the sex of the person, so as not to be judgemental) chose a public stage to exhibit to others gatthered there, who the boss really was. I was just sat there thinking how wise a move it was, because this person just had exposed the single point of failure for every single competitor gathered there. If I were on the opposing side, I would go, 'Break that one and they lose'. I personally would prefer a leader who makes the team look invincible, bring out the best in them so the opposition has to second guess the driving force behind the team. That way the team learns, and if one has an off-day, another steps up

Thursday, October 25, 2007


The Mercedes advert for the new C-Class that was run during the grands prix had a fair degree of irony given what had gone on during Stepneygate. The voicover ran "I'll see your idea and raise it - that's how real design works."

Monday, October 15, 2007

Is everyone out there to get us? Can they really?

Amongst us, there are still many of us who are afraid of not knowing the other person that we worry what they could do to us, that bit of mistrust that always comes first. In doing so, we don't realize that we are admitting that others are smarter than us and we expect everyone else to earn our trust. Why don't we believe in our own ability, take the chance and deal with whatever that comes

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

BMW M3 CSL - Its an automatic

I have had stick from my friends for over a year now for driving an automatic, even today at lunch.. we were at the pub and the guy who was paying because he was leaving us shared how people who loved cars would buy a manual....
As much as these 'men' who need a gear paddle and a clutch to prove thier manhood amuse me, I try and ignore them, until now that is, I just watched the Top Gear show that reviewed the BMW M3 CSL, not just the M3, which by itself is a very mean machine but the CSL... go google it, read the specs, read the review and SHUT IT ;)

Sunday, June 17, 2007


I had this strange question pop up in my mind, what if someone tries to lie to you and you know that they are, yet just because you dont want to make an issue of it, you play along. So who has won here? The person lying or the one who knows it a lie..... guess both, because both achieved what they wanted :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death - Robert Fulghum
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Friday, March 23, 2007

I dont want to die an animal!

As the rajni song goes, only a child or a saint (not the ones that own 300 million) who has truly renounced the world can claim to be really happy. How I wish I can still be a baby, without a care in this world, fed at regular intervals, never understood thus never judged upon and never can understand others, thus innocent and more importantly always truly loved by everyone. It is not to be, we all are born, and then as we grow, we begin to use the one advantage we have over animals, the so called sixth sense, the ability to think and reason, we ask questions, some quite stupid. To answer these questions and because our parents know best, we learn, from people around us, schools and as and when we are ready to take on this world, we are let loose on the society.

Most often that not, this is where we prove life goes around in circles, we start lose our one advantage over animals, we get sucked into routine, doing what others what us to do, to behave like animals and we do nothing much but hunt for ourselves, reproduce and die! The education that we had gained that so is the only things that differentiates us from animals then just becomes a tool that helps us to hunt for more, a tool that helps our vanity. How many of us can really claim to have made a difference to this world?

I look at myself now, I get up, work, eat and sleep, wait for my weekends, have fun. As for the future, I want to share my life with someone special, see the world, raise children and when its time, die peacefully. But as I explained my life is so boring, the prospect of sharing it is not exciting anyone, no marks for guessing that I am single, more on that when I really am drunk. When we see men/women of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see men/women of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves. Inspiration does show its face now and then, it’s not easy to find, but there are many people who have followed something passionately (Other than making more money) and made a positive difference. I so want to do something different, something that I can be proud of, something I can give to this world and say ‘There you go, thank you for having me’ – so my aim now is to find out what I am really interested in aiming for and until that dawns upon me, I shall dream of leading India into the 2040 FIFA World Cup as underdogs and finish as WORLD CHAMPIONS!