Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Don't you agree?

I lifted this from a football article..... the author is discussing football fans... but this segment in itself I thought, applies to everyone in general
Humans can be complex creatures. Love and hate can be very close bedfellows; ecstasy and pain can hold hands and kiss. We are a seething mass of irrationality and emotions masquerading as a reasonable, rational animal. As a species we choose what defines rationality, intelligence and sophistication, and then apply it to every living thing and guess what, it turns out we're top of the tree! Funny that.
You can't lose when you invent the rules, even though any dispassionate view of the human animal would see a species that is, at best, very confused. There is and has been precious little agreement on anything at any point, and the things we do agree on soon change and mutate into another viewpoint which is then clung to ferociously as though this is the new ultimate truth, until it isn't anymore and we move on again. We live our lives in a cloud of superstition, supposition and silliness, and spend far too much time pretending otherwise. It's who we are.

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