It is noteworthy that Indian Tamils who were taken to the country for labour by the British and protected during the British reign were always 3rd party to what was happening. They had a sense of brotherhood and Tamils with Indian origins played their part from both sides of the border but was never considered equals to Yalpanam Tamizhs and were never accepted as one.
As the division grew and Yalapanam Sri-Lankan/Tamixhs felt oppressed in their own land. In the 70’s, the Communist influence and the western education of the Yalpanam Tamizhs, who had by now migrated and settled well in the west came rise to a few movements that wanted to fight for their cause. Exploiting schemes created for Indians to return to their homeland, these rebels set up bases and trained in India. Premadasa and Rajiv Gandhi colluded to set the IPKF on the LTTE, by far the only movement that survived the cull. LTTE were establish and well supported until they fell under terrorist umbrella after they ignored the Geneva Peace Talks, Colombo Airport Bombing and then the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. 2005 saw the arrival of Rajapakse and his determination to end all drama, no matter the cost. We all know how that finished.
Personally, I feel that the Tamizhs who belonged to the land went down fighting for a just cause of equality. Thanks to some misguided actions of the Indian Government and the LTTE, the Singhalese gained moral high ground and the Tamizhs who for long have suffered are now left at the mercy of the Singhalese. This is wrong because they are not foreigners. I expect this lot to seek refuge with those who have been lucky to escape and seek better live elsewhere but no one should be denied the right to their own land and funny that the joke that the UN is now and the democratic super-powers who have fought silly wars shouting the same but with ulterior motives got away with paying nothing more than lip service against this injustice and this cull by the Sri Lankan government is now complete. Painfully sad
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