Thursday, June 01, 2006

Can we change our mind?

I am still gathering my thoughts on a question that was put to me recently....if you were "attached/committed", would you give another person a chance? - Exact words

For the sake of discussion, X is the person you are with and Y is the person that you fancy. My intial response was the very point that this question or doubt arises means that you are past the loyalty only shows that you are not so sure about X and its only fair that you open up about this to X before you bring Y into the picture.

Now to the second part of the question. Does Y deserve a chance - Yes, its the next 40 yrs (assuming ppl marry in thier late 20'ss and live into their late 60's) that we are talking about and there is nothing wrong in taking your time to decide. Again when we say decide, it depends which decision is THE decision that matters - committment/engagement/marriage. Whichever stage you feel is important then after that stage, its important that once you have made your choice, you stick with it and make it happen with that person and not look around :) I personally think engagement is the most important stage, after that its one-way, no going back!

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