Saturday, May 21, 2005

Religion and Growth of a Child

My flat mate’s thoughts: He sees similarities between the beliefs of the 3 religions, in terms of them coming into existence, principles and the growth of a child. I thought it was very interesting and profound. So here goes...

During its early years, Parents usually teach the child principles on how to lead life and what is good and what is bad. This is in line with Hinduism, the oldest of the 3 dominating religions, where principles are taught. Next as the child grows and interacts with other children and people, it is taught love and how to love fellow human beings and this aligns with Christianity which preaches that love takes one closer to god. Next as the child enters the teenage, Parents introduce rules on how to a lead a good life for the benefit of the child, similar in the way Islam defines on the ideal way to lead life.

No matter what our religious beliefs are, we would appreciate that there is some light in what he is talking about....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kumar. Do you by any chance know of any sites which help people to get 'child benefit' advice? I found this one 'child benefit' ; do you know of any others? Many thanks